25 03, 2019

8 Steps to an Agile Transformation 


The fundamentals of Agile Transformation include forming teams, building backlogs and producing increments of working and tested software, regularly. Agile Transformation is creating networks of teams, managing trade-offs, putting together dependencies and getting things out in the market quickly as well as measuring throughout the process.   In order for your business to benefit from Agile [...]

8 Steps to an Agile Transformation 2019-03-25T16:52:36-04:00
5 03, 2019

Collaborative Idea Management with Collaborative Ideation Platforms


Many companies today have started utilizing their employees’ and customers’ ideas. They have recognized that the best innovation ideas come from such people because they can offer a different point of view. Employees and customers are able to offer an unbiased view of your business and any changes they think can or should be made, [...]

Collaborative Idea Management with Collaborative Ideation Platforms2020-07-24T02:52:37-04:00
25 02, 2019

The Position of Innovation Manager: 3 Important Factors


A major player when it comes to innovation success is the proper integration of innovation management as well as the team members responsible. A company’s innovative success is contingent on where the position of Innovation Manager is integrated. Where and how that position is integrated is critical. Innovation Manager Role The Innovation Manager is tasked [...]

The Position of Innovation Manager: 3 Important Factors2019-02-25T19:24:31-05:00
12 02, 2019

Why All Team Members Should be Included in Sprint Meetings 


Agile teams do best when each team member is able to feel and act like part of the team and the team acts as a whole. Agile teams should always foster a whole team mindset rather than that of a sub-team. Some businesses operate separate sub-teams, such as a programming sub-team and a testing sub-team. But this is not [...]

Why All Team Members Should be Included in Sprint Meetings 2019-02-12T11:49:23-05:00
12 12, 2018

4 Digital Transformation Mistakes to Avoid


Many businesses are eager to follow in the footsteps of companies that are thriving as a result of digital transformation, such as Uber, Netflix, and Airbnb. But changing the way your business processes run, and doing a complete overhaul of them in general, is no small feat. There are many pitfalls that can hinder such [...]

4 Digital Transformation Mistakes to Avoid2020-07-24T06:01:13-04:00
10 06, 2018

Scaling Company Culture


As organizations succeed and grow, company leadership is often times very focused on how they can effectively scale elements such as process, production, marketing, and expense management. However, very few organizations put thought into how they will scale their company culture. Although this may seem irrelevant when you are caught in the midst of rapid [...]

Scaling Company Culture2018-10-24T19:53:12-04:00
11 05, 2018

Creating a Company Culture of Rapid Iteration


Using Agile Startup Principles to Attain Ongoing Success for Your Business The number one piece of advice that startup founders receive time and time again from mentors, venture capitalists, and even their peers? “Iterate, iterate, iterate.” Yet it seems that the inevitable result of success is to leave this method behind the moment that it [...]

Creating a Company Culture of Rapid Iteration2018-10-24T19:56:44-04:00