Avatar Mode:

Empowering Collaboration & Inclusion

Redefine your digital identity and foster a thriving innovation community

Unleash Your Creativity with Avatar Mode

Immerse in a groundbreaking innovation management experience with Avatar Mode. Designed to redefine your digital identity, this feature empowers contributors to express their unique personality and expertise through custom avatars. Level the playing field by masking roles and titles, and foster an inclusive environment where every voice is equally heard and valued. 


By eliminating biases tied to job titles, the Avatar Mode feature allows everyone to contribute and collaborate equally, fostering a democratic and inclusive ideation process.

Avatars can help break down organizational silos, encouraging cross-functional collaboration for a holistic approach to innovation, leveraging diverse skills and knowledge across the organization.

Avatars can create a safe space for candid feedback and open discussion. This can lead to more honest exchanges of ideas and constructive criticisms, thereby enhancing the quality of the ideation process and resulting in more robust and effective innovations.

The anonymity provided by the Avatar Mode feature encourages individuals to voice diverse and unconventional ideas without fear of judgment. This can lead to a wider range of perspectives and solutions, enhancing the innovation process and outcome.

Incorporating fun and personalization, this feature nurtures a relaxed environment that stimulates creativity and active participation in the innovation management process.

Empower Your Organization with Avatar Mode

Our Avatar Mode feature seamlessly integrates with various scenarios. Use it to drive healthy competition among teams, inspire creativity and engagement in brainstorming sessions, or even host inclusive company-wide events. Moreover, it enables remote teams to feel more connected and valued in the virtual workspace, transcending geographical barriers. 

Get Inspired, Get Started

Here are some avatar challenge ideas that aim to encourage employee engagement, feedback, and creativity:

This challenge asks employees to take on an anonymous alias and propose an innovative solution or improvement to a current business practice. The key is they must present it in a fun and creative way – maybe through a story, poem, or even a song!

In this challenge, participants, under their avatars, are asked to project their company 5 years into the future and describe what it looks like. They can cover all aspects such as products/services, workplace culture, technology, etc. This encourages forward-thinking and creativity.

Participants are to share one superpower they wish they had to improve their work or the workplace. This allows management to gain insights into employee pain points in a fun, non-threatening way.

Participants under their secret identities are to provide a creative critique of a current project or process within the company. They could share what they would do differently if they had total control over it.

 This challenge encourages empathy and understanding. Participants, under their avatars, share a day in their role, highlighting both challenges and triumphs. This can foster a greater appreciation for different roles within the company.

This challenge fosters open discussion and idea exchange. Pose a contentious topic or decision relevant to your company and have participants debate the pros and cons under their avatars.

But…Remember to Have Fun!

Here are some fun and more personal challenges to foster a sense of camaraderie among employees:

Participants share one vice and one virtue about themselves. This will help to humanize participants and foster empathy and understanding.

Participants describe one historical event they wish they could have witnessed in person. This can stimulate interesting discussions and reveal more about participants’ interests.

This challenge asks participants to share a challenge they’ve faced and how it positively impacted them or helped them grow. This can foster resilience and optimism.

Participants share which superhero they identify with and why. This can encourage imagination and fun discussion.

Participants have to choose three items they would take if they were stranded on a deserted island. This can lead to creative and often humorous discussions.

This is a fun and light-hearted challenge where participants share one guilty pleasure. This can help build a sense of camaraderie and humor.

Participants share a story about a time when someone unexpectedly helped them. This promotes gratitude and the value of every team member.

Participants describe a unique talent or hobby they have outside of work. This can lead to the discovery of hidden skills within the team and foster a sense of community.


bayer case study

Avatar-Driven Innovation

Learn how Bayer used Planbox’s Avatar Mode feature to propel cross-disciplinary engagement and fast-track the selection of 25 world-changing projects from months to weeks.

Play It Incognito

Schedule a free consultation with our in-house experts, who will take you through a step-by-step process on how you can leverage Avatar Mode feature in your organization.