SPARK Matrix: Innovation Management, 2023

See why Planbox ranks first in the latest strategic performance assessment and ranking report by Quadrant Knowledge Solutions.

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About the Report

Quadrant Knowledge Solutions conducted an in-depth evaluation of the most significant vendors in innovation management, offering a competitive landscape analysis in the form of its SPARK Matrix, which measures market participants on their technology excellence and customer impact, segmenting them into three distinct categories: Aspirants, Challengers, and Technology Leaders — the latter consisting of the top performers.

SPARK Matrix Innovation Management 2023

Planbox Named Technology Leader

Among the 17 global vendors evaluated, Planbox was named a Technology Leader, earning the highest rating for technology excellence and customer impact, and placing it at number one in the independent research firm’s latest evaluation report on innovation management platforms.

Planbox, with its comprehensive capabilities, compelling customer references, comprehensive roadmap and vision, cloud-native platform, and a product suite with high scalability, is capable of catering to diverse customer needs across industry verticals.

– SPARK Matrix: Innovation Management, 2023