Iterative innovation drives long-term growth by generating continuous improvement. This has helped iterative processes like design thinking gain significant popularity in the business world, making it less and less of a ‘secret’ while still preserving its status as a valuable weapon. It’s human-centered approach is applauded in today’s growing agile-friendly environment. But, what exactly is design thinking? In a nutshell, it is a methodology for creating new and innovative ideas through a solution-focused and action-oriented process. The structure of this process helps keep people on track and avoid spending too long on a problem or skipping over it too quickly. There are many unique benefits and advantages of design thinking that help to understand and address complex problems that a business may face on a daily basis.

1. Increase Revenue

Sales teams have been slower to embrace design thinking because their more traditional routines conflict with iterative innovation. However, customers are increasingly demanding a more personalized experience that makes the sales cycle more complex. The Economist Intelligence Unit Report says companies that prioritize customer experience (CX) have increased revenue growth and are more profitable than those that do not make it  a priority. Design thinking brings  CX to the forefront of corporate strategy, and as a result  generates higher revenue.

2. Redefine Problems

The process of design thinking requires you to analyze the problem to identify its root cause. This digs much deeper into the heart of the problem beyond what is seen at face value. Sometimes the real problem is not obvious, and sometimes the problem is actually part of a much bigger issue. This process also provides the opportunity to view a problem from a different perspective. The people working on an issue might be too close to their work to see it clearly. Redefining it ensures that the solution will have more successful and lasting effects.

3. Embrace Collaboration

Collaboration in the workplace has many benefits, and design thinking requires collaboration to take place. It creates a positive environment that encourages collaboration, which supports ongoing  growth and experimentation. This process leverages the power of collective experiences and brings together different teams in new ways. Bringing the right people together from across the organization can spark innovation that might not have happened otherwise. It also motivates employees and improves flexibility within the organization.

4. Speed Up Innovation

Moving too slowly means getting left behind. Design thinking helps drive fast-paced innovation through iterative cycles that result in continuous improvement and learning. Competition is never too far away  if not already one step ahead, so it can be dangerous to not prioritize innovation or focus on speeding up your processes. The goal should be to continuously improve products, services, and processes in a never-ending cycle that is driven by results. The average lifespan of companies is decreasing, so innovation is increasingly becoming do or die.

5. Improve Solutions

By redefining problems and focusing on consumer desires, design thinking produces improved solutions. They are often more simple and to the point since the problem is more clearly defined. Due to design thinking’s process, the final result undergoes numerous rounds of testing and customer feedback. This ensures a higher level of quality control that guarantees improved solutions. Learning is at the center of this process, which can be carried on to future projects. Everyone across the organization will be positively impacted by the benefits of continuous improvement and learning.

6. Put the User First

Design thinking has a “user first” approach that works on real user needs and tests solutions with real customers. This results in the development of useful products and services that better fit the needs of the user. The mentality behind this process is at the core of design thinking’s many other benefits, and customer obsession gives innovation a powerful edge. It is important that your company and its products or services remain relevant and useful. Otherwise, there is no reason for customers to be attracted to your brand.

Overall, design thinking emphasizes engagement, dialogue, and learning in order to find genuine solutions instead of quick fixes. The structure of this process encourages creativity in a way that produces results. Engaging customers and partners helps reduce the uncertainty and risk of innovation that can often hold teams back. Software can help your business better structure design thinking and open collaboration in an organized way. Learn more about Design Thinking and how you can successfully integrate it as a core process within your innovation program.
